The Majority of Gun Incidents are Avoidable, but Here’s What to Do if the Worst Happens

With so much recent media coverage surrounding accidental shootings, it’s easy to imagine that these incidents are commonplace or impossible to avoid. 

But the vast majority of gun incidents, and the horrible tragedies that sometimes result, are preventable. These incidents serve as a sad but important reminder of the #1 rule of firearm safety: Treat every gun as if it’s loaded every time

That said, accidental and unintentional discharges are a reality. And unfortunately, the person who makes the mistake is the one who carries a lifetime of remorse, pain and shame. If the worst-case scenario happens and you find yourself in the midst of a firearm incident, here is some general advice to consider.

Remain calm, and don’t attempt to hide or cover up the incident. 

In the initial moments, or even the days and weeks following a firearm incident, you might be tempted to brush it under the rug or chalk it up to something less serious. But this is a mistake. Even if no one was seriously injured or killed, it’s important to notify the appropriate people about what happened so they can help ensure that it won’t happen again. That could mean talking with range or property owners, law enforcement or other responsible parties where the incident occurred. 

Know that you’re not alone. 

Each year in the United States, there are an estimated 430 unintentional firearm fatalities. Research shows that survivors of these tragedies often suffer from depression, anxiety, PTSD and a host of other psychological conditions as a result. Fortunately for survivors, care providers have made significant strides in addressing and treating these conditions. In addition, organizations like Accidental Impacts work to connect survivors with support groups and other resources to overcome the pain and trauma of being involved in an accidental firearm incident. 

Use your experience to inform others about gun safety.

If you have been involved in an accidental gun incident, it may comfort you to know that you have a unique opportunity to not only learn from your experience, but to help educate others. Here are some of basic rules of firearm ownership that every person should know, regardless of their age or experience level:

  • We previously mentioned the #1 of firearm safety, and to reiterate, that is to treat every firearm as if it’s loaded, even if you logically know that it’s not. Be sure to check the firearm every single time you touch it to see if it is loaded so that you know the loaded status of your gun. Adopting this way of thinking will safeguard you and your loved ones against human error.

  • Keep your firearms pointed in a safe direction at all times, meaning that even if the gun is accidentally discharged, it would not result in injury.

  • When handling a firearm, rest your finger away from the trigger—on the outside of the trigger guard or alongside the gun. Do not place your finger on the trigger until you are 100% ready to fire.  

  • Make sure every firearm in your home is unloaded anytime it is not in use, and use brightly colored chamber flags to indicate the status of each firearm.

  • Read the manual for your firearm to understand how it works, what type of ammunition it takes, how to safely open and close the action and how to safely clean the gun and remove ammunition from the magazine. 

  • Store all guns in a locked cabinet, safe, gun vault or storage case that is not accessible by children or any other unauthorized person. 

  • Store ammunition separately, in a secure place away from all firearms. 

  • Use a gun locking device as an additional safety precaution (not as a substitute for secure storage) to prevent the gun from accidentally discharging while not in use.

  • Teach everyone in your home to understand and practice firearm safety. Children especially should be aware that if they see a firearm in your home (or anywhere else) they should under no circumstances touch it, and tell an adult immediately.

At Muzlstik, we are deeply committed to prevention through gun safety education. That’s why we’re out on the road attending conventions, exploring educational partnerships and seeking other avenues to spread the word about our at-a-glance chamber flags. If you have questions about safe gun ownership, or if you’d like to connect with our partners at the International Hunter Education Association USA, don’t hesitate to contact us here.